Research and innovation news

Stay up to date on the latest research and innovation news. 

Read the latest research and innovation news

This report provides an update of research projects carried out in conjunction with B4.0CRC, research projects undertaken independently by the Faculty of Health Sciences and Community Studies, and the Faculty of Education and Foundation Studies, grants under consideration, ISSI news, research support offered by the CARI, and news of forthcoming conferences.  Research projects being carried out in other faculty-department areas will be featured in subsequent reports.

The Centre for Applied Research and Innovation has released its biennial snapshot of Holmesglen’s research programmes.

The Holmesglen Research 2022 report recognises the individual and combined research and professional development achievements of our faculties, entrepreneurial business units and the Centre.

The digital report provides an overview of our research projects, our research engagement with community and industry, and the development of our research capability.

Applied research and innovation is a key plank of our 2021-2023 Strategic Plan, represented in three priorities:

2.6 – Support and nurture innovation through research, development, collaboration and teamwork
4.2 – Enhance commercial, educational and applied research outcomes
4.3 - Increase our impact with enhanced, industry-led research and innovation.
Please see the Holmesglen Centre for Applied Research and Innovation report (PDF 1.2 MB)

Recognition of our COIL applied research (Collaborative Online International Learning Project) continues to grow, with the team’s work acknowledged last week at major showcase in Melbourne.

COIL involves new collaborative workspaces, mentoring programs and peer learning experiences with overseas students. It has broken new ground in nursing education, research and innovation.

Health Workforce and Simulation Clinical Chair, Debra Kiegaldie (left) accepted an award from Study Melbourne Director, Fiona Letos (right) on the team’s behalf at the Veski-Study Melbourne Research Partnerships Showcase.

Holmesglen Institute and Canada’s Northwestern Polytechnic partnered on COIL with support from Study Melbourne Research Partnerships, delivered by the Victorian Government-sponsored innovation incubator, veski.

COIL was among 15 projects recognised and one of the few undertaken by a TAFE, which generated further interest. Deb was invited to share her insights on a showcase panel discussion and attend a networking reception hosted by the Embassy of Switzerland.

Watch the showcase video:

The Building 4.0 CRC Annual Showcase profiled some current and completed projects. Profiling of topics such as:

  •  Using augmented and virtual reality technologies for vocational education and training
  •  Developing new integrated wall systems
  •  Designing prefabricated housing solutions for areas affected by bushfires and other natural disasters.

Dr Ross Digby delivered a partner presentation: ‘Holmesglen – Strategy for Skills & Training’ World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics: ARRIVET Magazine: Applied Research Results in Vocational Education & Training

ARRIVET is an international, interdisciplinary publication dedicated to the documentation and dissemination of applied research results. Its focus is on the application of research to the solution of business and industry problems, and the use of applied research in vocational learning and teaching. Its audience includes those who are interested in solving practical research problems of business and industry, with particular focus on those committed to the dialogue between production and instruction, the professional and the vocational.

ARRIVET is launching in 2023 and will publish papers from applied research practitioners around the world. Initially there will be one publication annually, in an electronic format, online, and open source.

ARRiVET is inviting researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners, and postgraduate students to submit original articles in the broad area of applied research for vocational education and training. We welcome articles in the following categories:

  •  Research Results – applied research findings from projects undertaken by VETs, five to ten pages.
  •  Research Practices – applied research approaches leading to results and principles, three to five pages.
  •  Research in Context – geographies of applied research and their results, five to ten pages.
  •  Training for Research – activities in preparation for applied research and its results, three to five pages.
  •  Training for Vocations – the “applied research/training for vocation nexus” including applied research in pedagogy, building teacher capacity, learning development, and building student capacity, five to ten pages.

    Submission must be online through the ARRiVET webpage.

For the latest edition of AVETRA’s Research Today magazine.

AVETRA Research Today November 2022.pdf

Research Today is published twice a year. If you or one of your colleagues are interested in contributing to the next edition, please contact the Research Today editor, Andrew Williamson at

Holmesglen staff have completed original research in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy or the Doctor of Education. Guest, W. (2022). Apprenticeship training curriculum: examining its negotiated design and the ensuing effects on learner engagement. [Unpublished PhD Thesis]. LaTrobe University.

  •  Digby, R., (2021) Entrepreneurial Leadership in the Mixed Sector Provider, Unpublished EdD, thesis]. University of Canberra.
  •  Farnes, T., (2020) An exploration of workplace tension: perspectives of VET and Higher Education teaching staff in a mixed sector TAFE Institute in Australia. [Unpublished EdD thesis]. University of Canberra.
  •  Koutoukidis, G., (2020) The role of interprofessional education in vocational and higher education, [Unpublished EdD thesis]. University of Canberra.

Fellowships are offered across a number of Fellowship Rounds each year. The Fellowships available each year differ according to the skills focus area, the industry area and criteria established by the ISS Institute and the Fellowship Sponsor.
Information about each Fellowship is provided on the ISSI web page- assist you to determine if your research / skills enhancement area fits the Fellowship criteria.

More detailed information is provided in the Fellowship Application Guidelines and Fellowship Application Form provided for each Fellowship.

For more details about Fellowships please email

Recent ISSI Fellows

Dr Mary Hughes*
Dr Hughes’ fellowship focused on methods and approaches to teaching and learning in early childhood settings. These approaches include the Montessori and Reggio Emilia models, both being child-centred and based on a constructivist model. *ISSI Italian Australian Foundation Fellowship.

Dr Joe Pagnoccolo*
Dr Pagnoccolo is a senior electrical teacher. His fellowship researched social and emotional learning in VET for the Australian context. Its findings will provide a greater understanding of how social and emotional learning can provide the skills needed to assist industry with an economy requiring collaboration.

Research Workshops, 2023

We also conduct seminars and workshops throughout the year to help applied researchers work with industry and undertake projects. These workshops explore ways in which researchers can design and undertake applied research, understand the importance of ethics and research integrity, and develop strategies to communicate their research findings at conferences, in journals, or through professional publications. Our programme for 2023 will be selected from the following:

  •  Applied research and innovation explained.
  •  Developing a research question and a research proposal
  •  Literature review and scoping exercises
  •  Responsible Conduct of Research
  •  Applying for ethics approval
  •  Using survey management tools to conduct and manage research surveys
  •  Research methods
  •  Action research in teaching
  •  Applied research and industry collaborations-a practical approach to developing applied research projects with industry
  •  Funding research
  •  Publicising research and presenting at a conference

Conference News for Researchers

The Centre has worked closely with faculties and teaching departments to promote and co-ordinate the involvement of staff researchers in conferences showcasing applied research across the vocational and professional education and training sector.

Based on the theme ‘Are we there yet? Building a research community to shape VET's future’, Holmesglen researchers shared new and exciting research directions from the Institute with their research-based presentations.

  •  Building the reality of a partnership between a TAFE Institution and Co-operative Research Centre (CRC): Dr Ali Rashidi, Monash University and Dr Ross Digby, Holmesglen Institute.
  •  Applied Research and Innovation in TAFE - an international comparison: Andrew Williamson, Holmesglen Institute, Shannon Baldock, TAFE SA, Dr John Flett, Southwest TAFE.
  •  Partnerships as a driver of VET’s research profile: a case study of co-operative research to transform the building industry: Dr Henry Pook, Holmesglen Institute.

Qualitative single-case study as a research methodology in a mixed sector institute: Dr Mary Hughes and Julie Wright Holmesglen Institute.

  • Benli, F. ‘Enhancing Experiential Learning in a Smart Flipped Classroom: A Case Study’ at Business Process Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Melbourne (Online), (February 2022),
  • Benli, F, ‘Using Scrum in an Online Smart Classroom Environment: A Case Study’ at Business Process Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Melbourne (Online), (February 2022).
  • Ciardulli, M & Theron, D., ‘Monash Health APA Day Allied Health Assistants and the Simulated Participant program’, (16 November 2022).
  • Ciardulli, M & Pillay, ‘Digital Health care for the Future’, KATALIS, Indonesia, Keynote speaker, (3 February, 2022).
  • Ciardulli, M & Hall, M, ANZAHPE Festival, ‘Intraprofessional Learning: A unique experience for Diploma and Bachelor of Nursing Student’, Keynote speaker (n.d)
  • Ciardulli, M & Evans, T., ‘Collaborative Online International Learning: COIL’. ASPIRE, Keynote speaker, (26 August, 2022).
  • Chung, J. ‘Do I really belong here?’, Australian Library and Information Association, Canberra. Concurrent speaker, (May 2022).
  • Dempster, P., Australasian College of Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC), Sydney,. Results of Minor Thesis: ‘Australian emergency nurses’ experiences of work, using personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative study’.Keynote speaker ( Note the paper won the Elaine Graham Robertson Award – ‘Best presentation/free paper’), (14-16 November, 2022).
  • Digby, R. with Rashidi, Ali. (Monash), ‘Building the reality of a partnership between a TAFE Institution and Co-operative Research Centre (CRC)’, AVETRA 2022: Are we there yet?, 28/29/April2022
  • Digby, R., Kiegaldie, D. ‘Working with industry and research-based organisations on research projects: what projects are underway in health and building construction?’ OctoberVET, Presentation. Holmesglen, (27 October 2022).
  • Duncan, S. ‘Presenting at a Conference/Having my work published’, OctoberVET, Presentation, Holmesglen, (27 October, 2022).
  • Duncan, S. “Nothing about us, without us”: A case study of the Outer Sanctum podcast and trends in Australian independent media to drive intersectional representation and, Fourteen days: Athletes’ media usage and stories in hard
  • quarantine during COVID-19. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, presentation, (November 2022).
  • Evans, T. (Canada presenting), D. Kiegaldie, D. Ciardulli, M., Collaborative Online International Learning: A Canada-Australia experience, NETNEP 2022, 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Poster (19-20 October 2022).
  • Guest, W. ‘The research journey: experiences of an early career researcher’, OctoberVET, Presentation, Holmesglen, (27 October 2022).
  • Hughes, M. ‘Qualitative single-case study as a research methodology in a mixed sector institute’. AVETRA Conference: Are we there yet?, 2022, Melbourne, presentation, (29 April 2022).
  • Kiegaldie, D. ‘Educating clinicians about falls prevention: Pitfalls and possibilities’, Keynote Speaker Victorian Falls Prevention Workshop (Monash Partners), Melbourne, Australia (n.d)
  • Kiegaldie, D. and Shaw,L., ‘Developing a Research Proposal’, OctoberVET, Presentation, Holmesglen, (27 October, 2022).
  • Meeking, C. & Meeking, M. ‘An LMS library embed: Partners in the teaching and learning space’, Victorian Association of TAFE Libraries, Keynote, (August 2022).
  • Pook, Henry, ‘Applied Research at Holmesglen: an Introduction’, workshop, Holmesglen, 17/02/2022.
  • Pook, Henry, ‘Partnerships as a driver of VET's research profile: a case study of co-operative research to transform the building industry’, AVETRA 2022: Are we there yet? National (virtual) conference, Workshop, (28-29 April2022).
  • Pook, Henry, ‘Local-industry/research institutions, Technological change, workplace relations, and the role of education and training’, B4.0 CRC, Monash (Caulfield), Presentation, (24-May-2022).
  • Pook, Henry, ‘Bringing the Trades In: new technologies, the ‘trades’, and the significance of B4.0 CRC research’., ASPIRE, Holmesglen, Presentation, (24/08/2022).
  • Pook, Henry, ‘Building Applied Research at Holmesglen’, InterTAFE Webinar, (13/09/2022).
  • Pook, Henry, ‘What is Applied Research?’ OctoberVET, Presentation, Holmesglen, (27 October 2022).
  • Pook, Henry., Digby, R. ‘Holmesglen Institute and Building 4.0 CRC: A Case Study of Co-Operative Research to Transform the Building Industry’, TAFE Directors Convention 2022, Presentation, Adelaide, (16/11/.2022).
  • Sarma, SriGowri, 1. ADRC Online seminar organized by Asian Disaster Reduction Centre (ADRC); Kobe; Japan (online); on “Promoting Disaster Mitigation Strategies through investment and economic development for community resilience”. Invited Commentator (Plenary), (March- April 2022).
  • Sarma, SriGowri, ‘Know Your Disasters: Disasters and Economies’: Organized by Government of India and UN-DRR, ONLINE (Zoom), Invited Commentator, Plenary, (15 October & 12 November 2022).
  • Sarma, SriGowri, “BOSAI KOKUTAI 2022"; Organized by Government of Japan & Asian Disaster Reduction Centre (ADRC) ONLINE (Zoom), Invited Commentator, Plenary, (22-Oct-2022).
  • Sarma, SriGowri, 'Shaping the Future Dialogue Between Philosophy and Science in World facing War, Pandemic and Climate Change’. "TOKYO Forum 2022”: The Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan and ONLINE. Invited commentator, Plenary, (1- 2 December 2022).
  • Shaw, L & Hamey, Y. ‘What is the purpose of a literature review/scoping exercise: what tools and resources are available?’ OctoberVET, Keynote speaker (27October 2022).
  • Weerasekara, I. 3rd EVBRES conference, Norway (Online conference) ‘Taking the Lead Towards a Successful Story: Academic Recognition of Systematic Reviews and the Evidence-based Research (EBR) Approach in Sri Lankan Universities’, (6-7 October 2022).
  • Williamson, A., (Holmesglen Institute), Baldock, Shannon., (TAFE SA ), Dr John Flett, J. (Southwest TAFE)., ‘Applied Research and Innovation in TAFE - an international comparison’, AVETRA 2022: Are we there yet?, Workshop, 928/29 April, 2022).
  • Williamson, Andrew., Digby, Ross. and Pook, Henry.
  • Poster presentation drawing together the recent AVETRA Conference presentations to develop a poster to be presented by Andrew Williamson at the WFCP World Congress in Spain: ‘Building the reality of a partnership between a TAFE Institution and Co-operative Research Centre (CRC)’: Dr Ali Rashidi, Monash University and Dr Ross Digby, Holmesglen Institute and ‘Partnerships as a driver of VET’s research profile: a case study of co-operative research to transform the building industry’: Dr Henry Pook, Holmesglen Institute.Poster/ WFCP World Congress, San Sebastian Spain, (June 15 – 17, 2022).
  • Williamson, Andrew, ‘What is Applied Research?’ OctoberVET, Presentation Holmesglen, (27 October 2022)

OctoberVET at Holmesglen: part of our research landscape

OctoberVET is an important opportunity for Holmesglen researchers, industry, research-based organisations and other TAFE’s to share research, contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning and provide the groundwork for further research and innovation.

Conducting applied research: an invitation to researchers in TAFE

The 2022 OctoberVET provided a programme of presentations and workshops focussing on issues related to the conduct of applied research. Designed for researchers currently engaged in applied research or who are thinking about doing research for the first time, the conference focused on practical issues related to applied research.

Presentations included:

  • What is applied research? (Dr Henry Pook, Andrew Williamson).
  • Developing a research proposal? (Professor Debra Kiegaldie and Dr Louise Shaw).
  • What is the purpose of a literature review/scoping exercise, and what tools and resources are available to help me? (Dr Louise Shaw, Dr Yvonne Hamey).
  • Working with industry and research-based organisations on research projects? What projects are underway in health and building construction? Professor Debra Kiegaldie and Dr Ross Digby)
  • Presenting at a conference and/or having my work published: what do I need to know?(Dr Sam Duncan).
  • The research journey: experiences of an early-career researcher. (Warren Guest)

This conference was based on investigations of real-life problems that are of benefit to both industry and TAFE and explored the possibilities and dimensions for future applied research: in particular, the ways in which research and innovation may be channelled into knowledge sharing and technology transfer in collaboration with industry and community, and in the design and delivery of education and training programmes to meet future skills needs.

This virtual conference drew upon the theme of applied research in TAFE during a time of pandemic and reinforced the importance of industry partnerships. Speakers emphasised the view that TAFE has the capacity to play a significant role in the development of industry supported innovation and meeting future skills needs: rather than seeing the pandemic as an impediment to change, TAFEs could embrace these new challenges and opportunities by capitalising upon the possibilities presented by new technologies and increased digitalisation across many industry sectors.

The conference showcased a range of research projects and applied research partnerships between TAFE and organisations such as EastLink and the Royal Children’s Hospital; research snapshots from leading applied researchers, demonstrations of new technologies such as virtual reality and their application to education and training demonstrated the TAFE’s potential contribution to the development of industry and ‘cutting edge’ training programmes.

Conference Diary Dates 2023

40th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education
Theme: People, Partnerships and Pedagogies

The 2023 Conference will take place on 3 – 6 December 2023 at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. The conference will cover the full gamut of Educational Technology in tertiary education with a range of themes so there will be sessions to satisfy everyone’s interests. This year’s event will be designed to be fully hybrid (face-to-face or online).

Full details are on the conference website One conference coming up in July respectively offer.

Publications: 2022

Holmesglen researchers seek to report their work through a range of publications to inform discussion, contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning and provide the groundwork for further research and innovation.

Parvin, S. (2022). Big Data Analytics and IoT for Personalised Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 13, No. 4,(2023)

  • Parvin, S. (2022). ‘Framework to Maintain Specialisations in a General Degrees Structure: An economical high-value degree structure’, International Journal of Asian Education Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
  • Singh,C. Thakkar, R., and Warraich, J. (2022). ‘Social Media-Based Surveillance Systems for Healthcare using Machine Learning’. European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research. 7, (6), 21–28. DOI:
  • Singh, C. Thakkar, R., and Warraich, J (2022). ‘Blockchain in Supply Chain Management’. European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research. 7, (5), 60–69. DOI:
  • Singh, C. Wibowo, S., Grandhis, S., and Imam, T. (2022). A Deep Learning Approach for Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 Reviews’. Applied Sciences, 12(8), p.3709
  • Chetanpal Singh, Ishtiaque-Al-Mahmood, Mohimem-Al-Tahsin, (2022) ‘Novel Approach to Secure Websites with Machine Learning Classifiers’, Asian. Asian Journal of Social Science Management Technology.4(2): 152-176
  • Singh, C. (2022). ‘Machine Learning Applications Related to Medical Predictions’, Asian Journal of Social Science Management Technology’ 4(2): 127-144.
  • Venkatraman, S. and Parvin, S., (2022). ‘Developing an IoT Identity Management System Using Blockchain" MDPI Systems Journal. 10(2), 39;

  • Pook, H. (2022). Work and labor relations in the construction industry: an international perspective, Labour and Industry, 32:3, 334-336, DOI: 10.1080/10301763.2022.2034276.

  • Benli, F., Venkatraman, S., Wei, Ye., Wahr, F. (2022). Enhancing Experiential Learning in a Smart Flipped Classroom: A Case Study, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences Vol:16, No:9.
  • Hughes, M., Kilderry, A. & Keamy, K. (2022). Shadowing methodology and the role of the Educational Leader. Early Years: An International Research Journal. DOI: 10.1080/09575146.2022.2084512.
  • Venkatraman, S, Benli, F., Wei, Y., and Fiona Wahr, F. (2022) Smart Classroom Teaching Strategy to Enhance Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)—An Agile Approach for Education 4.0. Future Internet 14, no. 9: 255.

  • Bandara EMIA, Kularathne WNI, Brain K, Weerasekara I. (2022). Safety and efficacy of therapeutic taping in primary dysmenorrhea: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sci Rep. 2022 May 3;12(1):7146. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-11034-w.
  • Bohatko-Naismith J, McCormack L, Weerasekara I, James D, Marley J. (2022). Health screening questionnaires used in the management of mental distress acquired during an injured worker's return to work: A scoping review. Work.;72(1):75-90. doi: 10.3233/WOR-205027.
  • Chao V, Ong C, Kiegaldie D, Nestel D. (2022). Learning and Teaching in the Operating Room: A Surgical Perspective. Journal: Clinical Education for the Health Professions. 1-24.
  • Heng, H.; Kiegaldie, D.; Shaw, L.; Jazayeri, D.; Hill, A.-M.; Morris, M.E. (2022). Implementing Patient Falls Education in Hospitals: A Mixed-Methods Trial. Healthcare, 10, 1298.
  • Heng H, Kiegaldie D, Slade SC, Jazayeri D, Shaw L, et al. (2022) Healthcare professional perspectives on barriers and enablers to falls prevention education: A qualitative study. PLOS ONE 17(4): e0266797.
  • Kiegaldie, D., Pepe, A., Shaw, L. et al. (2022). Implementation of a collaborative online international learning program in nursing education: protocol for a mixed methods study. BMC Nursing 21, 252 (2022).
  • Kiegaldie, D., Shaw, L., Hunter, S., Davis, J., Siddel, H., & O’Brien, M. (2022). An integrated practical placement programme for students with disability: A pilot study. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 0(0).
  • Morris ME, Webster K, Hill A.M, Mc Phail, S, Haines, T... Kiegaldie, D. et al. (2022). Interventions to reduce falls in hospitals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Age & Ageing: 51: 1–12.
  • Pathirathna ML, Nandasena HMRKG, Atapattu AMMP, Weerasekara I. (2022). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal attempts and death rates: a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry. Jul 28;22(1):506. doi: 10.1186/s12888-022-04158-w.
  • Pathirathna ML, Samarasekara BPP, Dasanayake TS, Saravanakumar P, Weerasekara I. (2022). ‘Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in COVID-19 Infected Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis’. Healthcare (Basel). Jan 20;10(2):203. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10020203.
  • Prabani KIP, Weerasekara I, Damayanthi HDWT. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy among patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Public Health. 2022 Nov;212:66-75. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2022.09.001.
  • Senarath ID, Chen KK, Weerasekara I, de Zoete RMJ. (2022). Exercise-induced hypoalgesic effects of different types of physical exercise in individuals with neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain Pract. 2022 Jul 23. doi: 10.1111/papr.13150. Epub ahead of print.
  • Shaw, L., Jazayeri, D., Kiegaldie, D., Morris, M.E. (2022) Implementation of virtual communities of practice in healthcare to improve capability and capacity: A 10-year scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Special issue: "Strengthening Healthcare Systems and Services through Intersectoral and Interprofessional Partnerships". Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(13), 7994; PMID: 35805649
  • Shaw, L., Kiegaldie, D., Heng, H., & Morris, M. E. (2022). Interprofessional education to implement patient falls education in hospitals: Lessons learned. Nursing Open, 00, 1– 12.
  • Weerasekara I, Durage LM, Devane D, Lund H. (2022). Academic Recognition of Systematic Reviews and the Evidence-based Research Approach in Postgraduate Health and Clinical Sciences in Sri Lanka - Can the University of Peradeniya Take the Lead?. Sri Lankan Journal of Health Sciences. 2022;1(1):60–2. DOI:
  • Weerasekara I, Osmotherly PG, Snodgrass SJ, Walmsley S, Tessier J, Rivett DA. (2022). Feasibility of Using Detuned Laser as a Placebo In Manual Therapy Research: An Analysis of Participant Perceptions. J Manipulative PhysiologyTher. 2022 Feb;45(2):163-169. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2022.04.001.

  • Meeking, C. (2022) User centred approach. Incite, 43(5), 26.
  • Meeking, M., & Meeking, C. (2022). Embedded library support within TAFE and dual sector courses for improved learner support and visibility: An emerging opportunity. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association,

  • Duncan,S.(2022).Applying Dyer’s Star Theory to Sport: Understanding the Cultivation of Athlete Stardom. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research,94(1) 35-45.
  • Duncan, S. & Breitbarth T (2022). Understanding the 2021 Australian Open through an Elias lens: a case of tension, conflict and athlete outsiders. Sport in Society. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2022.2118578
  • Duncan, S. (2022). No Vax, No Entry: Understanding Australia’s Rejection Of Novak Djokovic. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy. DOI: 10.1080/17511321.2022.2125560
  • Duncan, S. (2022), 'Fourteen days: Athletes’ media usage and stories in hard quarantine during COVID-19', in Pederson, P. (ed). Research Handbook on Sport and COVID-19. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Symons, K., Duncan, S., & Sherry, E. (2022). Brief Research Report: "Nothing About Us, Without Us": A Case Study of the Outer Sanctum Podcast and Trends in Australian
  • Independent Media to Drive Intersectional Representation. Frontiers in sports and active living, 4, 871237.

Joe Pagnoccolo Centre for Energy and Infrastructure, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE and Santina Bertone School of Business and Law, Central Queensland University, Australia collaborate together to create:

‘The role of interpersonal attributes in the apprentice experience’

This article reports on an exploratory qualitative study about apprentices’ interpersonal skills and people-related generic skills.

A small group of researchers have spent 2020-2021 working on significant applied research projects related to health sciences education and practice. In partnership with La Trobe University and Healthscope Australia, and with the support of a National Health and Medical Research Council Grant on Falls in Australian Hospitals, they have published the following papers in peer-reviewed international journals.

  • Morris, M., Haines, T., Hill, AM., Cameron, I., Jones, C., Jazayeri, D., Mitra, B., Kiegaldie, D., Shorr, R. & McPhail, S. (2021). Divesting from a scored hospital fall risk screening tool (FRAT): A cluster randomized non-inferiority trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1-7.
  • Shaw, L, Kiegaldie, D. & Morris, M. (2021). Educating health professionals to implement evidence-based falls screening in hospitals. Nurse Education Today, http://doi/org101016/j.nedt.2021.104874
  • Shaw, L., Kiegaldie, D., Jones, C. & Morris, M. (2021). Improving hospital falls screening and mitigation using a health professional education framework. Nurse Education Today, 98, 1-8. http://doi/org/10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104695
  • Heng, H., Slade, S., Jazayeri, D., Jones, C., Hill, AM., Kiegaldie, D., Shorr, R., Morris, M. (2021). Patient perspectives on hospital falls prevention education, Frontiers in Public Health, 9: 592440.
  • Shaw, L., Kiegaldie, D., & Farlie, M.K. (2020). Education interventions for health professionals on falls prevention in health care settings: A 10 year Scoping Review, BMC Geriatrics, 20, 460, 1-13.
  • Heng, H., Jazayeri, D., Shaw, L., Kiegaldie, D., Hill, AM, Morris, ME. (2020). Hospital falls prevention with patient education: a scoping review, BMC Geriatrics 20:140,
  • Shaw, L., Kiegaldie, D., Morris, M. (2020). Educating health professionals to optimise falls screening in hospitals: protocol for a mixed methods study, BMC Health Services Research, (20)1:54,

Other published works include:

  • Williams, C.M., Maloney, S., Bowles, K.-A., Nestel, D., Kiegaldie, D. & Haines, T. (2021, Month). Cognitive Dissonance of Students Between Falls Prevention Evidence and Strategies. Clinical Simulation in Nursing , 54, 45-53. .
  • Kiegaldie, D.J. (2020). Learning and teaching in clinical settings: Expert commentary from an interprofessional perspective. Book Chapter in Clinical Education for the Health Professions: Theory and Practice. Eds. Nestel, D., Reedy, G., McKenna, L. & Gough, S. Springer Nature.
  • Chao, V., Ong, C., Kiegaldie, D., Nestel, D. (2020). Learning and teaching in operating theatre: A surgical perspective. Book Chapter in Clinical Education for the Health Professions: Theory and Practice. Eds. Nestel, D., Reedy, G., McKenna, L. & Gough, S. Springer Nature.
  • Kiegaldie, D.J. (2020). Clinical Skills Assessment. Book Chapter in Clinical Skills for Paramedic Practice. Eds. Inglis, M. & Kenneally, J. Elsevier, Australia.
  • Kiegaldie, D.J. & Shaw, L. (2020). MammographyOnline: An evaluation of an online mammography education program for radiographers. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 1-11.

Sam Duncan in Sports Media has had recent writing success with the publication of his book, The Digital world of Sport.
Information on The Digital World of Sport can be found here. (PDF)

Sam has also written a book chapter published in the Routledge Handbook of Sports Journalism, titled ‘Who owns the narrative’ as well as a chapter, titled ‘How Australia’s Fascination with Overseas Sport is Beginning to Hurt’ in Sport, Media Vectors: Digitization, Expanding Audiences, and the Globalisation of Live Sport.