Our Skills and Jobs Centre is a free service available to Holmesglen learners. The friendly team can help you get started with your career while you study and complement your academic experience and training with employment skills.
Career counselling
Our career counsellors can help you identify your career goals in line with your skills, strengths, and interests. We help you develop a career plan and pathways to expand your understanding of the industry you wish to work in.
Skills assessment and training advice
To be successful in any career, you need to have the right skills and qualifications.
Through our skills assessment process, we can help you:
- Identify and clarify your existing skills
- Determine any new skills you may require
- Find the right training courses and study pathways
- Refer you to suitable training programs
One-on-one consultations
Through our one-on-one consultations, we give you the personalised support you need while searching for jobs and building your Job Ready skills. Consultations are held at the Holmesglen Employment Centre, with appointments available between Monday and Friday, 9am - 5pm
For more details, please contact the Holmesglen Skills and Job Centre
Phone: 03 9564 2030
Email: sjc@holmesglen.edu.au
Location: Holmesglen Chadstone, Building 6, Level 1