Secondary school compliance and policies

Our policies and procedures ensure you have a supported Holmesglen experience.

As a secondary student, we want to make your introduction to Holmesglen and overall study experience both rewarding and enjoyable.

We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive education environment for all.

See some of our relevant Holmesglen policies and procedures below:

  • Holmesglen Code of Conduct (PDF 315kb)
  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion Policy (PDF 244kb)
  • Child Safe and Wellbeing Policy (PDF 228kb)
  • Engagement, Support and Wellbeing Policy (Learners) (PDF 221kb)
  • Family and Domestic Violence Policy (PDF 197kb)
  • ICT Acceptable Use Policy (PDF 115kb)
  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy (PDF 177kb)
  • Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy (PDF 106kb)
  • Public Interest Disclosures Policy (PDF 164kb)
  • Training and Assessment System Policy (PDF 273kb)
  • Assessment Policy (VET) (PDF 293kb)
  • Practical Placement Guidelines (Learners) (PDF 306kb)
  • Academic integrity Policy (PDF 201kb)
  • Generative Artificial Intelligence Guidelines (PDF 77kb)
  • Enrolment Policy (PDF 268kb)
  • Discipline Policy (PDF 206kb)

  • Make themselves aware of and comply with all relevant Holmesglen policies and procedures concerning their enrolment, studies and conduct at Holmesglen.
  • Read and comply with their subject/unit and course requirements.
  • Take responsibility for their own learning and wellbeing and seeking support and/or assistance from Holmesglen academics and/or support services when required.
  • Provide accurate personal details to Holmesglen; keep those details up to date; and read and respond where required to all official Holmesglen correspondence including email.
  • Be committed to their studies: attend classes on time, participate during classroom activities, and complete all tasks allocated to them and submit their work on time.
  • Adhere to the policies, procedures and rules of external organisations while on placement, practicum, work experience, fieldwork or educational exchange.

  • Undertake their academic work with integrity and honesty, avoiding breaches of academic integrity and copyright.
  • Work cooperatively and collaboratively with other students, staff, associates and Holmesglen partners.
  • Not engage or collude in fraudulent or corrupt behaviour, or any unlawful behaviour, and report such behaviour as outlined in Holmesglen policies and procedures.
  • Declare conflict of interest matters or a matter which has the potential to influence decisions in their interest or declare a matter which could be perceived to influence decisions in their interest.
  • Not do anything which may bring Holmesglen into disrepute including by making or publishing false or misleading statements relating to Holmesglen.

  • Interact in a polite and respectful manner with all students and staff of Holmesglen at all times.
  • Communicate with courtesy and consideration, verbally and in writing, in person and online (including through email and social media).
  • Provide considered and honest feedback to Holmesglen and its staff on the quality of learning and teaching and its services.
  • Respect the privacy of other students and staff.
  • Respect others' rights to their own opinions and beliefs and, where there is disagreement, engage only in respectful discussion.
  • Refrain from actions, behaviour and words (both written and spoken) that may jeopardise their own or another student or staff member's health, safety or wellbeing, or may damage their reputation or career.
  • Not engage in discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, victimisation, bullying, child abuse or any form of interpersonal, psychological or physical violence, and report such behaviour as outlined in Holmesglen policies and procedures.
  • Visit the State Government website for more information on bullying and cyber bullying at: https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/bullying-prevention-response/policy
  • Not disclose information identified as confidential concerning any matter relating to Holmesglen.
  • Avoid disrupting or interfering with any teaching, learning, research or other academic activity of Holmesglen. This includes not being rude or using inappropriate language or such behaviour that may cause a staff member or another student to feel uncomfortable or threatened.
  • Not impair the rights of others to participate in any legitimate Holmesglen activity.
  • Not encourage, persuade or incite others to engage in conduct or behaviour constituting misconduct in accordance with Holmesglen policies and procedures.

  • Not cause harm to others, endanger or potentially endanger the safety or health of others.
  • Be free from the influence of alcohol and/or drugs on Holmesglen premises
  • Not use, possess or supply a prohibited weapon or any prohibited substance at Holmesglen premises
  • Use Holmesglen property or resources, including communication technology resources, cooperatively, legally, ethically responsibly and appropriately
  • Respect the property rights of others, including students and staff, whilst on Holmesglen premises
  • Comply with any reasonable request or directions from Holmesglen staff with regard to safety or compliance with policy, procedure or ethical requirements, or to provide name or age or show proof of identity or age or student identity card.

What secondary students need to know

We want to make the transition to Holmesglen study a convenient one for you.

Change of preference

Find out what you need to know during the change of preference period.